Division Public Engagement

Division Street Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

The first step in developing Division Street BRT was the adoption of the LPA and that was largely informed by public input.

STA’s Division Street BRT project builds on previous planning efforts. In 2019, STA and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) in partnership with the City of Spokane, Spokane County, and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), led a study to look at how the Division Street corridor could be improved and enhanced.

The DivisionConnects study identified what future bus rapid transit (BRT) on Division Street could look like. The Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) was adopted by STA’s Board of Directors and other project partners in spring 2021, as a vision for conversion of the existing Route 25. The final reports for DivisionConnects can be found here.

Image showing various documents related to the Division Street Bus Rapid Transit Survey. The documents include maps, project timelines, survey questions, and information about the bus routes and schedules, all presented on a light blue background.

Fall 2022/Winter 2023 Public Engagement

During Fall 2022 and Winter 2023, STA reached out to the public to raise project awareness, engage stakeholders, and receive feedback about Division Street BRT, especially routing alternatives. 

Public engagement occurred via in-person presentations, with a focus on neighborhood councils. Additionally, an interactive web map and survey was used to provide information about the project and solicit specific feedback about options under consideration for the corridor, including route and station locations.

Public Engagement Meetings

From November 2022 through January 2023, STA participated in 11 public engagement meetings. These included in-person STA presentations to seven Neighborhood Councils, the Spokane Plan Commission, and the Downtown Spokane Partnership. Additionally, STA hosted a virtual open house to provide information and receive feedback.

Engagement Report – Phase 1 Planning and Preliminary Design

A Public Engagement Report was compiled and prepared for STA and is available at the button below. 

West Central​​11/09/22​​
North Hill​​11/10/22​​
East Central​​11/15/22​​
Shiloh Hills​​11/17/22​​
Nevada Heights​​01/09/23​​
Virtual Open House​​12/01/22​​
Spokane Plan Commission Transportation Subcommittee​​12/06/22​​
Downtown Spokane Partnership Meeting 1​​12/06/22​​
Downtown Spokane Partnership Meeting 2​​01/18/23​​


The goal of this survey was to learn more about how the community uses public transportation and their preferences, which will help inform BRT planning decisions. ​STA received 297 survey responses. 

The following charts summarize some of the additional feedback from respondents:

Three maps depict various routes for the Division Street BRT project. The maps are labeled "Option 2: Big Loops," "Option 2: Leaf 2," and "Locally Preferred Alternative." Routes and station locations are marked on each map across different parts of a city's street grid.

Virtual Open House

On Thursday, December 1st a Virtual Open House was held with the community to share additional information about the Division Street BRT project. Click on the video below to view the session:


Click on the links below for relevant news stories featuring the Division Street BRT project:

Estimated Costs and Funding

Total Cost Estimate: $194 million

Project Development Phase: $12 million

• Secured Local Funding: $11 million
• Federal (CMAQ) grant: $1 million

Construction and Implementation Phase: $182 million

• Future Small Starts Grant: $91million
• Move Ahead WA State Funding: $50 million
• Local Funding: $41 million

The figures above do not include changes in costs that may occur
over time or current resources dedicated to preparing the project
for entry into Project Development.


Project Manager: Don Skillingstad
Email: [email protected]
Office: (509) 344-1869

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