How to Pay
When using a Connect card:
A Connect card is a physical card with an embedded chip. You can add value online in the app or website. Simply tap the card against the card reader when you get on the bus to pay.
1. Place your Connect card flat against the contactless logo below the screen on the card reader. It doesn’t matter which side of the card as long as it’s laid flat.
2. When your card has been validated and fare collected, you’ll hear a beep and see a green check mark.

When using an eConnect card:
An eConnect card is a virtual card that exists on your phone in the STA Connect App. Value can be added online in the app or website. Just scan the QR code in the app when you get on the bus to pay.
1. Press the fare payment symbol in the STA Connect App to get a payment QR code. Then place your phone approximately eight inches below the card reader to scan the QR Code.
2. When your eConnect card has been validated and the fare collected, you’ll hear a beep and see a green check mark.

When using cash:
1. Request a 2-Hour Pass from your bus driver before paying your fare.
2. Insert coins one at a time into the Coin Cup. Rejected coins will drop to the Rejected Coin Return Cup. Pennies and tokens are not accepted.
3. Feed flat, unfolded bills into the Bill Insertion Slot. Bills can be inserted in any direction and any side up.
4. Your pass will print and eject from the top of the farebox. Please note that the expiration time will print on the back of the pass. Swipe through the farebox for subsequent rides.
Please note bus drivers do not carry cash. Fareboxes accept U.S. coins and U.S. dollar bills, passes and free ride coupons (no tokens or pennies). Neither the bus operator nor the farebox can provide change.
Day passes are no longer sold and are replaced by Connect cards and fare capping. 31-days and 7-days are sold at select retail locations.
When using paper bus passes:
1. The first time you use your paper bus pass, it must be validated. To validate your pass, “dip” your pass into the pass dispenser on the farebox at the front of the bus. This starts the period the pass will be good for (31-days, 7-days, 1-day, or 2-hours.)
2. At the time the pass is validated, the expiration date will print on the back of the pass.
3. Passes can be used after validation by swiping the pass through the farebox for all subsequent rides.
Note that folding a paper bus pass, or damaging the magnetic stripe on the back of the pass, can cause the pass to no longer work.
Paper passes are no longer sold at STA Plaza. 31-days and 7-days are sold at select retail locations.
When using a legacy Smart Card:
1. Tap your Smart Card on the farebox “target.”
If your card is a Stored Value Smart Card, your remaining balance will appear on the Passenger Display. Stored Value Smart Card users still need to request a 2-Hour Pass or Day Pass if desired. Ask your driver for the necessary pass before tapping your Smartcard.

When using your student ID:
1. Simply swipe your pass through the farebox.